April Fool's Joke

Since 2002, every year AutoZine posts a joke on the 1st of April. Here is a collection of the past jokes. Enjoy !


April Fool's joke: Lotus sold to Tata !

A shock news was unveiled just this morning: Lotus has been sold by Proton to another Asian car maker, Tata of India. At an untold price, Proton sold all its 80% stakes in Lotus to Tata yesterday. Spokesman of Lotus said the deal includes both the car division and the engineering division of Lotus in Norfolk and Hethel, though not including the engineering arm in USA, which will be still owned by Proton. Tata is the largest car maker in India. It produces mostly trucks and commercial vehicles but also small econo cars and off-roaders. The previously state-owned car maker is one of the biggest potential buyers for Lotus, after GM and Ford refused to do so.

It is believed the sale was due to heavy loss of the British company, amount to some £42.6 million last year and an expected loss as well this year. Proton was also disappointed that Lotus was not helpful enough in improving the sales performance of its own cars - the Lotus-developed Proton Impian was selling badly in Europe. As Malaysia is to join WTO, Proton needs cash to improve its own production facilities and sales networks to compete with foreign car makers.

It is known that the sudden departure of Lotus CEO Terry Playle last month was due to his objection to the proposal. Playle’s position will be substituted by ex-Formula 1 champion and team owner Jackie Stewart, who is appointed by Tata. It is known that Stewart was chosen because he is a highly-respected figure in Britain and was proved to be a successful leader in the highly-competitive F1 business, this should help Lotus overcoming its big difficulties currently facing.

Stewart was first linked to Tata a year ago when he started advising the development and tuning of a secret Tata roadster, after his contract with Ford expired in late 2000. The 1.6-litre roadster will be fully built in India and hit UK as well as Europe in 18 month’s time at an estimated price of just £9,500. It is believed that the purchase of Lotus will let Tata using the resources of Lotus Engineering to fine tune the roadster and sort out its handling problems. In before, parent company Proton used to reject any works for its potential rivals.

Employing Stewart also led to the speculation that Lotus - if not Tata - may be back to Formula One racing. Stewart clearly ruled out this possibility. However, spy photographers recently caught him testing an open-wheeled prototype in Brands Hatch, confirming that both Lotus and the 3-time world champion may once again compete in Formula One. Stewart is 64 this year.

While keeping tight-lip about Formula One, he did admit that Lotus will transfer its technology know-how to Tata, such as the hydrogen-powered hybrid engine (a 1.1-litre turbo 3-cylinder good for 750hp) under development. In the long-term future, a nuclear-powered Tata 3-wheeler truck is also possible, said the ex-Formula One champion.

"I remind you, everything is possible on the 1st of April, especially in AutoZine !" he said.

(not Tata, it’s Haha !!! the following News are real however .... - Ed.)

Supplement on Apr 11, 2002

Clarification to the "news" about Lotus

Remember the "News" on April 1 about Lotus being sold to Tata ? I believe most of you can easily see that it is an April Fool's joke. However, yesterday I received a surprising e-mail from Mr. Alastair Florance, PR Manager of Lotus in Hethel. Mr. Florance said that he understand that "this is an article written in jest and with humour", but they have already received a number of enquiries from around the world checking the validity of the story (readers, don't tell me they are YOU !! hahahaa). Mr. Florance also said that "this story is not helpful to our business", which I can fully understand considering the troubles Lotus is facing. Let me clarify once more: Lotus is still owned by Proton and as I know, Tata has nothing to do with Lotus. Jackie Stewart is not going to be the CEO of Lotus and he - I guess - will never return to Formula One as a driver. There is no such hydrogen hybrid engine in the world which can generate 750 horsepower from 1.1 litre of displacement. And lastly, you will not see a nuclear-powered 3-wheeler truck in the foreseeable future.

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